Self-Expression: Perpetually Trending

Jul 14,2022
by Ash K
Jul 14,2022
by Ash K

Self-Expression: Perpetually Trending

We talk a lot about trends in our blogs. And don't get us wrong, we are firm believers that fashion and makeup trends are an important part of history and a fantastic way to document the goings on of an era, good and bad (here's looking at you, shoulder pads).But when it comes to makeup, sometimes it's important to put trends aside. After all, one of the main reasons we love what we do and the products we design so much is because we truly believe that makeup is a timeless art form. While, of course, cosmetics can help you achieve the perfect version of the latest "it" look, they also exist to provide everyone with tools of self-expression and development.So, we're going to take a break from our "Fav Looks" series and pivot to something we hold near and dear to our hearts. Here are a couple of the reasons we are, simply put, obsessed with makeup.

It's a form of self-care

Sure, some of us have makeup routines that span the length of a feature film. But the narrative that associates a drawn-out makeup routine with vanity is tired, don't you agree? While, yes, the makeup application process can be tedious, it's also a magnificent form of self-care. Not only are you putting a lot of TLC into yourself and your appearance, but the confidence boost alone is a major positive.We also love the quiet, solitary time that putting on makeup allows. Let's not overlook the importance of this part. Just you and your process, listening to your favorite tunes or simply sitting with your thoughts—a little dose of therapy, if we do say so ourselves.

It fosters creativity

As the ultimate self-expression tool, makeup not only allows you complete freedom but the ability to craft looks unique to only you. Makeup artistry is a creative outlet that is finally earning the respect it deserves in the industry and we never get tired of seeing what people come up with. And if you're like us, you've gone down countless TikTok and YouTube rabbit holes of people completely transforming themselves into characters with the right palette and contour kit.And even if you're just playing around without a focus on the end result, by treating makeup application as art it opens the part of your brain that sparks imagination, inspiration. It offers a chance to share who you really are, or learn that in the process.Bottom line? There's so much more to makeup than simply applying it to "look good". While it is absolutely a way to cover up certain imperfections and boost confidence (and what is wrong with that?) it can truly be an important tool to expressing yourself and learning to love yourself and what actually inspires you.PS - We love when you share your Meloway makeup creations with us, so please continue sharing your beautiful looks with us on our Instagram!


We talk a lot about trends in our blogs. And don't get us wrong, we are firm believers that fashion and makeup trends are an important part of history and a fantastic way to document the goings on of an era, good and bad (here's looking at you, shoulder pads).But when it comes to makeup, sometimes it's important to put trends aside. After all, one of the main reasons we love what we do and the products we design so much is because we truly believe that makeup is a timeless art form. While, of course, cosmetics can help you achieve the perfect version of the latest "it" look, they also exist to provide everyone with tools of self-expression and development.So, we're going to take a break from our "Fav Looks" series and pivot to something we hold near and dear to our hearts. Here are a couple of the reasons we are, simply put, obsessed with makeup.

It's a form of self-care

Sure, some of us have makeup routines that span the length of a feature film. But the narrative that associates a drawn-out makeup routine with vanity is tired, don't you agree? While, yes, the makeup application process can be tedious, it's also a magnificent form of self-care. Not only are you putting a lot of TLC into yourself and your appearance, but the confidence boost alone is a major positive.We also love the quiet, solitary time that putting on makeup allows. Let's not overlook the importance of this part. Just you and your process, listening to your favorite tunes or simply sitting with your thoughts—a little dose of therapy, if we do say so ourselves.

It fosters creativity

As the ultimate self-expression tool, makeup not only allows you complete freedom but the ability to craft looks unique to only you. Makeup artistry is a creative outlet that is finally earning the respect it deserves in the industry and we never get tired of seeing what people come up with. And if you're like us, you've gone down countless TikTok and YouTube rabbit holes of people completely transforming themselves into characters with the right palette and contour kit.And even if you're just playing around without a focus on the end result, by treating makeup application as art it opens the part of your brain that sparks imagination, inspiration. It offers a chance to share who you really are, or learn that in the process.Bottom line? There's so much more to makeup than simply applying it to "look good". While it is absolutely a way to cover up certain imperfections and boost confidence (and what is wrong with that?) it can truly be an important tool to expressing yourself and learning to love yourself and what actually inspires you.PS - We love when you share your Meloway makeup creations with us, so please continue sharing your beautiful looks with us on our Instagram!